
Tracey Brady Yurko Named to INvolve’s 2023 “Top 100 Women Executives” List

Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, Tracey Brady Yurko was named to INvolve’s 2023 HERoes “Top 100 Women Executives” list, supported by YouTube, for the second consecutive year. The award celebrates female senior executives who are advocates for the advancement of women in business and championing gender diversity in the workplace.

Tracey — who is also a Partner and a member of the firm’s Operating Committee — is one of Bridgewater’s most senior leaders and has been dedicated to making the firm more diverse by creating policies and programs designed to increase inclusion and equity throughout her 11-year tenure. Additionally, Tracey is the executive sponsor for Bridgewater’s women’s affinity network (WIN), where she oversees programming to connect the community to senior women leaders and their career paths.

Outside of Bridgewater, Tracey currently serves as Chair of Make-A-Wish Connecticut’s Board of Directors and on the Board of Directors of the Managed Funds Association, the Advisory Board for the Harvard Law School Center for the Legal Profession, and as Vice Chair of The Johns Hopkins Lacrosse Advisory Board. Tracey's many endeavors all underscore her personal aspiration to foster an environment of inclusion and a place where people with different backgrounds, experiences, and ways of thinking want to work and feel comfortable being their full authentic selves. In addition to her programmatic work, Tracey brings this orientation to every interaction, and is particularly mindful of her role as a leader who is responsible for ensuring every member of her team has what they need to grow, thrive, and succeed.

Learn more about Tracey’s recognition here:

Women who received INvolve’s 100 Women Executives HERoes Award are senior women leading by example and driving change to increase gender diversity in the workplace. The list features the Top 20 Women Executive Role Models, alongside 80 additional women senior leaders who are changing the face of modern business.

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